Bryndon Wiles has unfortunately passed away. Click here if you are seeking Bryndon’s Obituary. This post has been written by Bryndon’s family to provide official information about his passing.
Bryndon K. Wiles was beloved by a great many family and friends. He tragically died in a car accident near midnight on September 30th, 2023.
There has been some speculation on the cause of Bryndon’s accident and cause of death. Because this happened so recently, and because other vehicles were also involved in the accident that took Bryndon’s life, the authorities have not completed their investigation into the cause of his accident and the cause of his death. The family has been told that it will be a number of weeks until the ongoing investigations have been completed.
Regardless of the specific mechanisms of Bryndon’s passing, the overall explanation is that he was involved in a car accident, and his injuries in this accident caused his immediate death.
Bryndon’s family requests privacy in these matters beyond the facts that we have provided herein, and we request that we be allowed time to grieve and freedom from further speculation.
A number of predatory individuals and websites apparently generate “obituary” webpages in the wake of deaths and before families can produce official obituaries, and unfortunately, Bryndon Wiles’ death provided these spammy websites the circumstances to use his name and likeness in promoting their business interests. The family is providing information to social media and search engine companies in order to try to help future families to avoid some of the irritation and pain caused by the unethical individuals that use tragic deaths to harvest website visits from the natural curiosity that people have when someone dies prematurely.
Thank you for your interest in Bryndon, and please visit the other pages of this website to find more information about him.
The Family of Bryndon Wiles